How is Cholesterol increased? – Stop Googling “How is Cholesterol increased?” now! because you are already on the perfect platform. Yes, today we give you complete information related to How we can increase cholesterol. Well, cholesterol is a waxy substance that is naturally found in your blood. The human body needs cholesterol to make new and healthy cells.
Good cholesterol absorbs cholesterol in the body and carries it back to the liver. The liver flushes it from the body and the high levels of HDL cholesterol lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. The problems of cholesterol are associated with high cholesterol and if you have a high level of cholesterol then you have a greater risk for cardiovascular disease. Good cholesterol helps to protect you from getting heart disease and lower HDL levels raise the risk of complications like metabolic syndrome, heart failure, and diabetes. If you want to know How we can increase our cholesterol level then read this Dietitian Shubhra blog at the ending point.
Following are a few symptoms of low cholesterol that are given below:
Not all cholesterol is bad for you LDL and HDL both play a vital role in the body. The problem is created when HDL levels are too low and LDL levels get too high. In addition, HDL is considered good cholesterol. This helps to remove bad cholesterol and protect health. Following are the some Best Ways To Increase Your HDL Cholesterol Levels that are given below;
You should do 30 minutes of physical activity every day because it raises your heart rate. If you are doing physical activity five times a week then it can improve your HDL cholesterol as well as lower your LDL and triglycerides. This can be running, walking, billing, swimming, rollerblading, or whatever suits your fancy.
Smoking lowers HDL cholesterol and lower HDL in smokers leaves the blood vessels more open to damage. Also, it can develop heart disease so if you want to increase your cholesterol level then quitting now smoking.
Choosing a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans, as well as lean proteins like soy, poultry, and fish. Also, your diet should be low in salt, sugar, saturated fats, trans fats, and red meat. Furthermore, always choose healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are found in olive oil and avocados that can help you to improve your HDL cholesterol. Also, Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to heart health.
The American Heart Association never suggests drinking alcohol for heart health. Furthermore, moderate alcohol intake – two drinks or fewer a day for men on the other and one drink or fewer per day for women – may increase HDL cholesterol to a small degree.
Low-carb and ketogenic diets provide a lot of health benefits which include weight loss as well as lower blood sugar levels. Research shows that they increase HDL cholesterol in people who have a lower level of cholesterol.
Coconut oil reduces appetite, increases metabolic rate as well as helps to protect brain health, and also has many other benefits. Studies show that the oil of coconut raises HDL cholesterol as compared to other types of fat. This improves the ratio of low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol to HDL cholesterol.
You should consume purple fruits and vegetables. This is a delicious way to potentially increase HDL cholesterol. Purple produce contains antioxidants called anthocyanins which include eggplant, red cabbage, blueberries, blackberries, black raspberries, and many more. Some studies show that anthocyanins help fight inflammation, protect the cells from damaging free radicals, as well as raise HDL cholesterol levels.
In the given blog we give you complete information related to How is Cholesterol increased? If you want to increase your cholesterol then read this article and follow all these instructions. Well, if you are looking for a dietitian that makes a healthy diet plan then contact Dietitian Shubhra Jain now. She has 8+ years of experience and her 10,000+ clients are happy and satisfied with her services. She prevents you from several health problems like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and many more, for more details Click Here!
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